Review for Upcoming Tests/Quizzes


Topics on the Chapter 7 Test

?  How to find the area of a square, rectangle, parallelogram, trapezoid, triangle, circle and irregular figures.

?  Area of circle sectors.

?  How to find the volume of a rectangular prism and a square.

?  How to find the surface area of a rectangular prism.

?  How to convert between metric units for capacity.

?  Capacity questions

?  How to plot points on a coordinate grid

Chapter 5 Test Tuesday Feb 7, 2011

  • •Write one ratio that represents various situations. Ex: 2 scoops of mix for every 7 cups of water

  • •Write two equivalent ratios for given ratios.

  • •Ratio table, find the missing values.

  • •Determine the unit rate for each and decide the unit rate that is a better deal. Ex: Which is a better deal for a pair of socks:  2 pair for $4.00 or 3 pairs for $ 9.00

  • Proportion word problems.

  • Capacity Question

  • How to find the missing sides of similar triangles

  • The difference between similar and congruent figures.

Chapter 4 Test Tuesday

4.1 Adding and Subtracting Fractions

  • Add or subtract fractions with common and uncommon denominators
  • Add or subtract mixed numbers
  • Add or subtract improper fractions

4.2 Multiply and Divide Fractions-

  • Multiply and divide fractions
  • Multiply and Divide whole numbers and fractions
  • Multiply and Divide Mixed Numbers
  • Multiply and Divide Improper Fractions

4.3Multiply  Decimals

  • Multiply whole numbers and decimals  up to the thousandths place

4.4 Mean, Mode, Median and Range

  • Compute the mean, mode, median and range of a given data set
  • Plot data on a line graph.


Chapter 4.1 Quiz


4.1 Adding and Subtracting Fractions

  • Add or subtract fractions with common and uncommon denominators
  • Add or subtract mixed numbers
  • Add or subtract improper fractions

Chapter 3 Test on either Wednesday or Fridat

All of the following concepts will be on the test.

Chapter 3.1 Number Sense:

  • Understand large numbers: millions, billions and trillions
  • Use input/ output machines to find or apply a rule
  • Know how to write numbers in exponential form, repeated multiplication and as a whole number

Chapter 3.2 Patterns

  • Determine the patterns in a sequence
  • Find a rule to a pattern and find the next few terms
  • Order of Operations with and without exponents
  • Using an input and output table to find and write a rule using the words input and output

Chapter 3.3 Variables and Rules

  • Know how to create an input and output table and come up with an algebraic rule from stages
  • Know how to evaluate an expression by plugging in a value for a variable
  • Translating verbal expressions into algebraic expressions

Chapter 3.4 Apply Properties

  • Be able to identify the following properties; associative property, commutative property, distributive property, identity property, inverse property and the zero property of multiplication.
  • Be able to write equivalent expressions using the associative property, commutative property, distributive property.

Chapter 3.2 and 3.3  Quiz

Chapter 3.2 Patterns

  • Determine the patterns in a sequence
  • Find a rule to a pattern and find the next few terms
  • Order of Operations with and without exponents
  • Using an input and output table to find and write a rule using the words input and output

Chapter 3.3 Variables and Rules

  • Know how to create an input and output table and come up with an algebraic rule from stages
  • Know how to evaluate an expression by plugging in a value for a variable
  • Translating verbal expressions into algebraic expressions

Chapter 3 Quiz 

  • Number Sense 3.1
    • Calculate the powers of ten and represent them in exponential form, repeated multiplication and as a whole product.
    • Write repeated multiplication
    • Write exponential form.
  •  Patterns and Sequences 3.2
    • Determine the sequence of a pattern
    • Determine the next term in the sequence
    • Write a rule using words (input and output) for a given tabl
  • Order of Opertions
    • Simplify expressions using the Order of Operations.


Chapter 2 Test Review

Test will be on Thursday November 3

Chapter 2.1 Patterns in Fractions

  1. •       How to convert improper fractions to mixed numbers
  2. •       How to find equivalent fractions
  3. •       How to convert mixed numbers into improper fractions
  4. •       Comparing Fractions
  5. •       Reducing Fraction to lowest terms
  6. •       Putting fractions in order from least to greatest. 

 Chapter 2.2 Patterns in Decimals

  1. •       Place Value
  2. •       Compare and Order Decimals
  3. •       Write decimals as fractions whose denominators are powers of ten
  4. •       Multiply and Divide numbers by powers of ten

Chapter 2.3 Equivalent Fractions and Decimals

  1. Writing equivalent fractions and decimals
  2. Know the difference between a repeating decimal and terminating decimal.
  3. Order and compare fractions and decimals

Chapter 2.2 Study Guide

Chapter 2.2 Patterns in Decimals

  1. Place Value
  2. Compare and Order Decimals
  3. Write decimals as fractions whose denominators are powers of ten
  4. Multiply and Divide numbers by powers of ten
  5. Identify benchmark fractions and decimals.

Chapter 2 Quiz Study Guide 2.1

  1.  Converting between improper fractions and mixed numbers
  2. Comparing fractions
  3. Writing equivalent fractions
  4. Reducing fractions to lowest terms

Chapter 1 Study Guide

The following topics will be on the Chapter 1 Test. Make sure to go over the topics over the weekend so if you have any questions we can address them in class on Monday.


  • ·         Determine the angle measures of regular polygons. (Hint: all the angles in a regular polygon are equal)
  • ·         Identify the type of polygon it is based on the sides and vertices.
  • ·         Determine the number of degrees in a given polygon using the formula (n-2)* 180
  • ·         Review the characteristics of polygons, ex: concave, convex, regular, irregular, has a line of symmetry, or has no lines of symmetry


  •             Estimate the measure of angles using benchmark angles. (90°, 180°, 360°)
  •             Determine if an angle is acute or obtuse.
  •             Measure an angle using a protractor. (Hint: the bottom ray will point to the zero you will have to use in order to find the correct measure.)
  •             Determine the missing vertical angles
  •             Review supplementary angles. (Hint: they are angles that add up to 180°) and complementary angles (Hint: they are two angles that add up to 90°)

Perimeter and Circumference:

  • ·         Determine the perimeter of a rectangle and a square when given the side lengths.
  • ·         Find the missing lengths of polygons in order to find the perimeter.
  • ·         Find the circumference of a circle when given the diameter and radius.
  • ·         Remember the formulas for perimeter of a rectangle (P= 2(L) + 2 (W) or P=L+L+W+W) and perimeter of a square (P= 4(S) or P= S + S + S + S).




There will be a quiz on Chapter 1.1 on Thursday September 22!

In order to pass this quiz you should be able to:

  • Define a polygon and non-polygon as well as draw examples of each
  • Identify the type of polygon it is based on the sides and vertices.
  • Estimate the measure of angles using benchmark angles
  • Determine if an angle is acute or obtuse
  • Determine the number of degrees in a given polygon (n-2)* 180
  • Review complementary angles (two angles that add up to 90°)  supplementary angles. (Hint: they are angles that add up to 180°) 
  • Identify vertical angles
  • Determine the missing angle in a triangle